Registration and Fees
Early bird fee (June 15, 2025)  USD 500
Regular fee  USD 600
Student Early bird fee (June 15, 2025)   USD 400
Student Regular fee  USD 500
Conference fee for two papers(Same Author) USD 650
We also have parallel session to be conducted in Chinese (中文)


  • Authors should electronically submit ABSTRACT in MS WORD document, and to our Website: or (For Registration) The first page of the paper must contain the titles, names and affiliations of the authors, email address, and four keywords/phrases. Please identify the corresponding author giving full contact information including email address.



Excellent papers accepted and presented in this conference will be reviewed and recommended for publication in the following journals: The outstanding conference papers will be recommended directly to the guest editors of the SSCI/SCI/EI journal special issues in 2025-2026, IJLRA, JIPE,CLRC who are present in the conference.